
Stribe Dentists NFT were the first of their kind. With a fresh approach to dentistry training they needed an entirely unique way to attract upcoming young talent interested in learning techniques far outside the industry standard.

After extensively researching NFT and firmly grasping the concept and main benefits to the linkage of training, we realised Stribe were completely revolutionising  how dentistry training was being delivered.

Stribe needed to really deeply connect with young dentists, enough to show them how much they could expand their own business empire. They needed a complete shift from what these young dentists were used to. A thought provoking, almost controversial branding and design approach. This controversial design approach was aimed at making Stribe a real talking point amongst dentists. A complete detachment away from any of the usual industry standard associated with dentistry.  Something to signify to our fresh young talent, they were accessing an exciting new business opportunity.

Although Stribe instructed us to get as creative and as modern as possible, the challenge was branding and design that was easily distinguishable, shifting their young minds away from the usual dentistry training, yet, a website and content that flowed seamlessly. An intuitive browsing experience to rapidly educate and promptly inform. We needed to capture their curiosity enough to tempt them onto the site, once captured, instantly excite them whilst educating. They needed this ground breaking training opportunity.

we get to work
we get to work

Branding, marketing and design strategies

After many many brainstorming sessions, and many more discussions with Stribe, we saw their full vision. Their strong desire to offer upcoming dentists so much more from there career, and to their patients.

We dialled in on their target demographic and identified the majority of their site traffic. Referrals, forums, and discussion groups were where we needed to ultilise. The younger audience and gateway through social media gave us an opportunity on their landing page, to excite further without slowing down or overwhelming their potential clients with unnecessary text. The result was a more visual presentation of their services.

The overall design, we knew, had to embody a modern take on dentistry, and, the possibilities this fresh approach to training would have on their future. From NFT memberships, to breaking down their training opportunities into smaller bitesize purchasing options. We knew by targeting newly trained dentists financial constraints would not become an obstacle in further advancing their career. We elected to clearly display training options, pricing on full display, as well the outcome for their career.

The result was a modern fresh looking site and branding that excited and educated, that gave young dentists a clear indication this was nothing like the industry standard they had been used to.

























Ultra-modern, innovative and radical, contriversial!

colour pallette

After much thought, we decided a darker theme with many modern colours, as well as, as simply white text to add contrast to the ultra-modern design.  This was to help shift the dentists away from their normal white and light themed association with dental practices. The training was far from boring, the branding and design was to clearly convey this.


Clear, bold, ultra-modern.

Some modern websites can look far too busy. Each element fighting for your attention. Cautious of this, we needed a font that would boldly stand above any noise. Grabbing centre stage and priority in each section, we chose unusual modern typography - Europa Grotesk, Helvetica Now Display.

NFT revolutionising training.

Conscious of the requirements to firmly veer away from anything that represented the industry standard, we wanted modern lighting, angles and depth that captured the modern training. This meant we could give young dentists a fresh stance on training whilst conveying a more traditional and accurate representation and insight into the type of training they would receive.

Careful not to lose our young dentists attention, we sprinkled in some unique lottie animations to perfectly blend with our still photography. This gave the site yet another modern take.

The separator

our creative juices flow

Confident our design and branding had clearly distinguished Stribe and aligned them away from all other dentist training programs out there, as well the industry standard, we wanted something more. We wanted to create a greater a greater connection, modernise Stribe even further. Add a extra dimension that promoted a sense of trust, almost an allegiance to their whole purpose of moving dentists forward in their careers and in business.

Stribe had been recommending a particular manufacturer of dentistry equipment for some time and had been contemplating producing their own. After a little gentle nudge and encouragement Stribe finally took the leap.

By finding a trusted manufacturer and attaching their own brand to the equipment they were able to offer a one-stop-shop for dentists. Not only did one service compliment and help introduce the other, by offering high quality dentist equipment with their own branding, dentists felt like they were a part of something far bigger. A movement/statement from Stribe towards improving every aspect of their clients careers.

results & impact

By adding an extra dimension to their business offering their own branded dentistry equipment, as well as re-branding and creating a completely radical and controversial new face to the Stribe Dentistry training program, Stribe training courses, membership packages, and equipment sales are on the rise. Social media and discussion groups blew up. Some more traditional dentists opposed the approach and training which sparked further attention toward Stribe. The publicity as well as modern take has affirmed Stribe as a powerful force in the dentists training space.

Repeat business is now a high percentage of their overall revenue, and, customers now buy into their full eco-system of training combined with quality equipment.


“Synergistic service integration” is something we’ve been introducing to certain clients for a while. Although brands certainly do want to perfect their current service or products, and niching down is something we’re always keen to introduce, by finding an additional service or product to compliment the other, the company can be opened up to an entirely new way of thinking. Not only does the service create extra revenue, we’ve found it gives some companies a far greater reach and portrays a more established trusted brand for current and future business with their clients.

Brands often overlook this approach constantly attempting to change or fine tune their current service or product to enhance sales and customer experience. A fresh outside perspective can often spot the opportunity when the business cannot. We found that one side of the business aided the other. Even when clients chose not to purchase equipment, sales increased. The prospect of dealing with a bigger organisation, not only offering training courses, but quality equipment, dramatically boosted training program sales as well as supply a substantial side income.

We found that one side of the business aided the other. Even when clients chose not to purchase equipment, sales increased. The prospect of dealing with a bigger organisation, not only offering training courses, but quality equipment, dramatically boosted training program sales as well as supply a substantial side income.

We’ve built an ongoing lasting working relationship with Stribe. Our teams chompers have never been in better health! Oh, and their business is flourishing. :)


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